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Slimming World - A guide to EESP days

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Jul 16th, 2017, 22:51 PM  
Join Date: Jun 2015
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Slimming World - A guide to EESP days

I figured this might help some people out when it comes to EESP days and working out what you can/can't have.

An EESP day is used for people wanting to help to speed up their losses. It's advised that you do these EESP days for an entire week initially, and some people have seen some amazing results with them, but others don't see much of a difference. The reason for that is unknown to be honest, but I always think it's worth giving things a try, if it doesn't work for you, then at least you know

An EESP day focuses on eating Speed and Protein foods only. No free foods such as yogurts, pasta, rice, potatoes, the non-speed fruit & veg (there are a few of these, but not too many)
Your store cupboard ingredients are still useable though, so your meals don't have to be bland! So go nuts with those herbs and spices, throw soy sauce or vinegar on whatever you normally have it with, and don't be shy with the salt & pepper
For your healthy extra choices, you get 2 hex A choices and one hex B choice as you do no normal EE days.
And you get all your syns as normal.

You want to aim for each meal being a 50/50 split of speed and protein foods. Otherwise the plan won't work to it's full potential.

As you can't have pasta, rice, or potatoes, you'll want to find alternative that will fit into the plan instead.
Cauli rice, courgetti, butternut squash chips, there are so many alternatives. These days there are so many alternatives finding their way onto the supermarket shelves in Tesco, Sainsbury's, etc. so hopefully there's a good amount of inspiration there.

One common question that seems to appear is people asking about the microwave rice's or frozen McCain jacket potatoes as they have a syn value. These are not an option if you want a true EESP day. As much as they have a syn value, the purpose of an EESP day is to eat low energy density foods, and these don't fall into this category.

There are plenty of things you can still make though. And plenty of ways to enjoy SP days.

A typical SP day for me is:

50% Fat-free natural Greek yogurt/Skyr (P food)
50% Berries (S food)

50% Salad - lettuce, tomato, cucumber, peppers (S food)
25% Ham/chicken/tuna (P food)
25% cannellini beans or chickpeas (P food)
and mayo/salad cream measured and synned

  • Something straight forward - chicken breast (P food) with veg - carrots, green beans, sugar snap peas (S foods)
  • Or a stir fry - chicken, egg (egg fried rice style) (P foods), bean sprouts, calui rice, onion, carrot (S food)
  • One of my favourite things is - chilli (5% mince, kidney beans (P foods), tomatoes, peppers, onion, spices (S foods)) on top of butternut squash chips with 50g Mozzarella (cows milk) on top it feels so naughty, but it's so good!!
As I said, your syns can be used as normal, so having dressing on your salad or sauces with your meals is a complete go ahead, or having that bag of crisps, bar of chocolate, biscuit or glass of wine/beer/spirit is completely within the rules

Now, I think I've covered everything, but if there's anything that you aren't sure of, please ask or point something out, and I'll amend the information or answer anything I can

Good luck!!

This is a list of the speed & protein foods available:
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Jul 20th, 2017, 16:18 PM  
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Great post!!!
Aug 6th, 2017, 00:29 AM  
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how do u change ur picture
Jan 2nd, 2021, 15:01 PM  
faye cheshire
Join Date: Jan 2021
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Posts: 18

Great post. Just one question
If you can have syns can you have rice pasta etc and syn it?
Surely that would be more healthy than a beer or piece of cake
Jan 2nd, 2021, 15:45 PM  
Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Manchester
Posts: 3,876

The simple response is no.
SW's description of EESP is 'Extra Easy SP optimises the super-slimming power of Speed Free Foods and the super-satisfying power of Protein-rich Free Food - boosting your weight loss.'
The idea is to remove the free foods that we can very often not weigh and can take up more of your plate than they should (I will weigh pasta & rice, but I definitely don't weigh potatoes), which helps speed up your losses. It's kind of like the Fast Forward option that SW offered a long time ago however you aren't limited to how much of the speed & protein foods you can have on your plate.

Using your syns for what are technically free foods on normal EE days is a bit redundant, you might as well just do a normal EE day and count them for free. You could still make it so that your plate is mostly speed & protein food (i.e. 1/4 pasta, 3/4 speed & protein)
You'll already know this if you're a prior SW'er but for those who aren't very knowledgeable with SW - Syns are there to help curb the cravings that people get for the non-free foods - whether that's beer, cake, chocolate, biscuits, or certain dressings/sauces on foods (mayo, blue dragon stir fry sauces, sweet chilli sauce, honey on breakfast cereals, etc.) or even sugar in tea/coffee. Making sure you have those small sweet/savoury treats help you stay on track and stops the cravings overwhelming you and resulting in a binge.
Jan 2nd, 2021, 16:00 PM  
faye cheshire
Join Date: Jan 2021
Location: Uk
Posts: 18

Thank you so much. This has made that pesky sp days thing so clear and I can so see the logic of it.
Have a great weekend
Jan 2nd, 2021, 16:07 PM  
Join Date: Jun 2015
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Posts: 3,876

I've updated the top comment to bring it more up to date with some changes SW made to Healthy Extra choices - you now get 2 x A choices as standard, and 21 x B choice
Mar 28th, 2021, 01:58 AM  
Join Date: Mar 2021
Posts: 1

Quote by sarahc4536 View Post
I've updated the top comment to bring it more up to date with some changes SW made to Healthy Extra choices - you now get 2 x A choices as standard, and 21 x B choice

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